疑犯追踪第4季 第173期:小样(在线收听

 Are these the files that Dominic stole? 这些就是多米尼克偷的文件吗?

That's just a small portion. 这只是其中一小部分。
Looks like NYPD intelligence on a criminal network. 看似是纽约警局对犯罪集团做的调查。
Information that it took the police years to collect, and yet Dominic steals it in less than 48 hours.  警察们花费多年收集的信息,短短两天内就被多米尼克偷去了。
And I finally figured out the common denominator. 我终于弄清楚了共同点。
Which is? 是什么?
Our new number. 我们的新号码。
Any insider tips on eyeliner? 眼线有什么建议?
Yeah. You might try dialing it back a bit, sister. Sorry, you just look like you buy a lot of makeup.  有。你应该少用点儿,姐妹。抱歉,你看起来像买了很多化妆品。
You know what? How about some free samples? 不如这样吧,我送你点小样?
You keep samples in your purse? 你把小样放在包里啊?
I won't tell if you won't. 你不说,我也不说。
You've got to be kidding me. 开什么玩笑。
Ex-boyfriend? 前男友吗?
More like ex-pain in the ass. 更像是前灾星。
Is target present? 目标在吗?
Visual update on target. 目标照片。
No worries. I found her. 没事了。我找到她了。