疑犯追踪第4季 第209期:出色的特工(在线收听

 What happened to you? 你怎么了?

I was able to rescue one of our numbers, but I'm afraid his office building wasn't so fortunate. There was a bit of an explosion. 我救下了受害者之一,但恐怕他的办公楼就没那么幸运了。发生了点小爆炸。
How long can we go on like this, Finch? We've already lost six. 我们这样还能撑多久,芬奇?已经失去六个人了。
Seven. 七人。
Look, if Samaritan wants a sit-down, I think it's time we do it. Aren't we supposed to be saving lives here? 撒马利亚人想谈判,我看是时候答应了。我们是要救人活命吗?
Look at what's happened to the city today. If this conversation goes badly, imagine what it will look like when two gods go to war. 看看这座城市现在什么模样了。如果谈话谈崩了,想想两位上帝开战的后果。
It's not our choice to make, Harold. I got a message from the machine. She says it's time. 这个由不得我们决定,哈罗德。我收到机器的一条消息。她说是时候了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Every man should have one vice, don't you agree?  人皆有恶习,对吧?
I suppose there are worse ones than smoking, especially in our line of work. 总有比抽烟更不好的,尤其是咱们这个行当的。
I had a colleague who spent three months in Havana to flip an asset. 我有个同事,在哈瓦那待了三个月,只为一个情报来源。
He came home with a new contact and an unrelenting addiction to heroin. 他回来的时候,带着一个联系人,以及强烈依赖海洛因的毒瘾。
This man saved countless lives, British and foreign, by recruiting that asset. Then he kicked his habit. 他救了无数人的命——英国人和外国人,全靠这个新的情报来源。后来他戒毒了。
He was the finest operator I've ever worked with. I'd go so far as to call him a friend, if men like us can have friends. 他是我共事过的最出色的特工。我甚至可以称他朋友,如果我们这种人可以有朋友的话。
His name was Jacob. He was the man you just killed. 他叫雅各布。就是你刚杀掉的那人。
I'm sorry about your friend. 你朋友的死我很遗憾。