疑犯追踪第4季 第210期:布莱克伍德(在线收听

 I'd like you and I to be friends...However brief. That wound does look to be a mortal one. 我希望我们能成为朋友...不管多么短暂。那伤口像是能致命的伤。

Please, I'm doing my job, like you. We're all doing our jobs. 求你了,我只是在工作,像你一样。我们都只是在工作。
Jacob and I are very good at our jobs. 雅各布和我工作非常出色。
So tell me, Luski, how was it that you recognized two experienced MI-6 operators? Did someone tell you we were coming? 告诉我,卢斯基,你怎么能识破两位经验丰富的军情六局特工?有人提前通知你了吗?
You've seen our faces before. 你之前见过我们。
I am like you. I am KGB, but I am also MI-6. 我跟你一样。我是克格勃,但也是军情六处的人。
Who recruited you? 谁招的你?
It was your deputy chief...Blackwood. 你的副局长...布莱克伍德。
If you're Blackwood's asset, why would he want you dead? What is Blackwood hiding? 如果你是布莱克伍德的人,他为什么还要你死?布莱克伍德有什么隐情?
Blackwood is like me. He's MI-6, but he is also KGB. 布莱克伍德跟我一样。他是军情六处的人,也是克格勃。
The deputy chief is a double agent? 副局长是双面间谍?
Who else knows about this? 还有谁知道这事?
Only KGB and me. 只有克格勃和我。
There's a hospital three blocks from here. You might make it there before you bleed out. 三个街区外有家医院。你大概能在血流光前赶到那里。
Why do you let me live? 你为什么留我活口?
Your death will make no difference to this world, and I no longer take orders from MI-6. 你的死活对这个世界没有任何影响,我不再听命于中情六处了。