疑犯追踪第4季 第216期:犯罪率(在线收听

 You know you can't win, don't you? 你知道你赢不了,是吧?

Yes. Is that why I'm here...to meet my destroyer? 是的。所以你叫我来此...见我的毁灭者?
I wanted to see inside the mind of a fallen god. 我想看透一位倒下的上帝。
This way, I can learn from your mistakes. What will it be, then? Will you give your life to save your human agents? 这样,我就能从你的错误中吸取经验。你会怎么做呢?你愿意牺牲自己来拯救你那些人类执行人吗?
My human agents share my beliefs that this world belongs to them. 我的人类执行人跟我有相同的信仰,世界属于他们。
So be it. 那就这样吧。
He's gone. 他死了。
Another witness protection victim? 又一名受保护证人被害?
Yeah, three more dead all over the country. The rest got scooped up by authorities in time.  全国还有另外三个死者。其他人当局及时救出了。
But who would have did this? 可是谁干出这种事?
Who are these names? 这些人是谁?
People in danger. And we'll have more of a chance if we split up. 有危险的人。我们分开行动更方便。
We're reporting to you from downtown, where today's spike in crime has our city... 我们在下城区向您报道。如今,本市的犯罪率急剧上升...
Time for me to get off the bench. 该我上场了。
Violent crime hasn't ticked up this high... 史上罕见的高暴力犯罪...