疑犯追踪第4季 第219期:躲避侦查(在线收听

 I'll contact Mr. Reese and Detective Fusco, but I'm afraid Ms. Shaw is busy avoiding detection and saving numbers. 我会联系Reese先生和Fusco警探,但Shaw女士恐怕现在正忙着躲避侦查,同时挽救关系人。

Time for a new assignment. How's it hanging, Sameen? 是到执行新任务的时间了。你好吗,Sameen?
Oh, I've had better days. So has my broker friend here. You embezzle Twinkies or money, Harvey? What's up? 今天可不太好。我这位经纪人朋友也是。你偷的是蛋糕还是钱,Harvey?出什么事了?
We're headed to the stock exchange to try to save the world economy. 我们正前往股票交易所去挽救世界经济。
Oh, that sounds fun. Is this an invite? 听起来蛮有意思。是邀请我去吗?
Not a chance. The place will be crawling with Samaritan operatives. 没门。那地方肯定遍布Samaritan的特工。
And you're number one on their list. But I do need a favor. And you need a metro card. 你是他们的头号目标。但我确实需要你帮个忙。你需要一张运通卡。
Sir, it's Lambert. The operation appears to be going as planned. 先生,我是Lambert。行动与预期一致。
Yes, so I see. 是,我看到了。
Any concern this move by Samaritan might risk being too public? 不担心Samaritan的这一举动会使其曝光吗?
This apparent madness has a method, Mr. Lambert. A mere first step to establishing a new world order. 这种貌似疯狂的举动是有玄机的,Lambert先生。这只是建立新的世界秩序的第一步。
Such an undertaking will not go unnoticed. Nor would we want it to. 这样的事业不能悄悄进行。我们也不想悄悄进行。
Sir? 为什么呢?
The acolytes of the machine. Mr. Finch and his colleagues. I fully expect they'll try to stop what we have started. 机器的助手。Finch先生和他的同伙们。我就盼着他们会出来阻止我们。
And when they do, they'll be in for a rude awakening. 一旦这么做,残酷的现实定会让他们猛醒。
We received a call from your central command center that your lobby cameras weren't working properly. 我们收到你们的中央指挥中心来电,说你们大堂的摄像头有异常。
My technician needs to take a look. 我的技术员需要去看看。
Cameras are working just fine. Huh? 摄像头工作正常啊。啊?