疑犯追踪第4季 第222期:一拼到底(在线收听

 At least we won't die hungry. 至少我们不会成饿死鬼。

Samaritan wants a fight, I say we go down swinging. Samaritan想要打一仗,我们就来个一拼到底。
Remember the Alamo. 毋忘阿拉莫(德克萨斯独立口号)。
More than a valiant last stand. 不只是英勇地背水一战。
We need a strategy. 我们得想个策略。
A little help please. 拜托帮点忙。
It's a hell of a time for your machine to go on the fritz, Harold. 你的机器此时失常,选的可真是时候,Harold。
Give it a second. 稍等它一秒。
It's got a lot on its mind. 它正在努力思考。
Hey, man. So you wanna play or what? 嗨,伙计。你想下棋还是怎么的?
Oh, that's very kind of you, but I'm playing with a friend. 你真好,但我要跟一个朋友下。
You've been sitting here alone for hours, dude. 你在这儿坐了好几个小时了,伙计。
My friend is a little shy. And somewhat indecisive. 我的朋友有点害羞。还有些举棋不定。