疑犯追踪第4季 第235期:人类不是棋子(在线收听

 No. I don't think so. You asked me to teach you chess and I've done that. 不,我觉得不必了。你叫我教你下棋,我做了。

It's a useful mental exercise. And through the years, many thinkers have been fascinated by it. 这是有效的思维训练。多年来,很多思想家都醉心于此。
But I don't enjoy playing. Do you know why not? 但我不喜欢下棋。你知道为什么吗?
Because it was a game that was born during a brutal age, when life counted for little. 因为这个游戏诞生于冷酷的年代,当时生命的价值被忽视。
And everyone believed that some people were worth more than others. Kings and pawns. 所有人都相信生命有贵贱之分。王和卒。
I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else. 我不认为生命有贵贱之分。
I don't envy you the decisions you're gonna have to make. 我不会羡慕你未来要做的理性但无情的决定。
And one day I'll be gone, and you'll have no one to talk to. 有一天我会离去,你就没有人可以倾诉。
But if you remember nothing else, please remember this. 如果你什么都不记得了,请谨记。
Chess is just a game. Real people aren't pieces. 象棋只是游戏。人类不是棋子。
And you can't assign more value to some of them than to others. Not to me. Not to anyone. 你不能指定任何人的价值。不单单是我。而是所有人。
People are not a thing that you can sacrifice. 人不是你可以随意牺牲的物品。
The lesson is that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess deserves to lose. 教训是,任何把这个世界看做一盘棋的人都注定失败。