疑犯追踪第4季 第246期:硬盘是首要目标(在线收听

 Pleasure to meet you. 很高兴见到您。

It's not mutual. I know about New York, Agent Grice. 但我不高兴。我知道纽约的事了,格赖斯特工。
I know you saw Agent Shaw at the Knight & Morris storage facility, and I know you let her live. 我知道你在奈特莫里斯仓库看见了肖特工,我也知道你放过了她。
Relax. I'm letting you live. Here are your amended orders: do not kill Yasin Said until you access his laptop hard drive. 别紧张,我会放过你。你的任务有变:在拿到亚辛·赛义德的电脑硬盘之前不得杀他。
The hard drive is the priority.Understood.And Grice, you report only to me. Consider this your reprieve. 硬盘才是首要目标。明白了。格赖斯,你只听命于我。当是将功补过。
We need to do this off the grid. 我们得秘密行动了。
Research wins again. Yasin Said approaching, 200 yards out. 探索者又赢了。亚辛·赛义德正在接近,180米。
This must be your dream come true, Grice...investigating someone before we put a bullet in their head. 你的美梦成真了,格赖斯...先调查清楚,然后开枪爆头。
Yeah, just like the old days. I've never been happier. 是啊,宛如昨日重现。真是高兴死了。
Get ready. He's about to go off the grid. Okay, he's in the shadows. T-minus ten seconds. 准备,他马上要进入非监控区了。好了,监控消失。倒计时10秒。
Hate to cut you off, Yasin.At the risk of repeating myself...Glad we had this talk. 不好意思要挡你路了,亚辛。又得重复一遍...和你聊聊舒服多了。