疑犯追踪第4季 第255期:蠕虫病毒(在线收听

 For now. I think this is good for me. 还行。这对我挺有好处的。

You almost done checking email? 你磨磨蹭蹭查完邮件没有?
There are six ISA operatives on site. I should be seeing six identical signals, but I'm not, I'm seeing seven. 一共有六名情报突击队特工在现场。应该有六个相似的信号,但我看到了七个。
Six standard signals, one anomaly. The anomalous phone belongs to a Samaritan agent who's embedded with Control's operatives. 六个标准信号,一个异常信号。异常信号是由撒马利亚人特工手机发出的,这个特工潜伏在主控者的特工之中。
I'm uploading a worm to that phone.The worm will scour the phone for any information relating to Sameen, 我将蠕虫病毒上传至那部手机。蠕虫病毒会搜寻任何与萨姆恩有关的信息,
and then 18 seconds later, move on the to next Samaritan phone, and it won't give up until we find what we're looking for. 18秒后病毒会传播到另一部撒马利亚人网络的手机,直到找到我们需要的信息。
Sorry, were you talking to me? 啥,你跟我说话吗?
What's your status, Harold? I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on. 情况如何,哈罗德?我不知道还能拖多久。
I'll be right there, Root. This is for Shaw. 我很快就过来了,根。这是给肖报仇的。
Sameen? You're Grice?Yeah. 萨姆恩?你是格赖斯? 是。
She told me you let her go. 她告诉我,是你放她走的。
She was a good agent. 她是优秀的特工。
Mr. Reese, Root, it's done. 里瑟先生,根,成功了。
On my way. 马上来。
Did it work? 有用吗?
We got something. What, I don't yet know. 找到了些东西,但我还不知道是什么。
Thank you, Harold. 谢谢你,哈罗德。
Let's get out of here. 我们走吧。