留美老师带你每日说英文 第1153期:为何踢到脚趾会这么痛?(在线收听

 When you stub your toe, you're slamming it with a force equal to two to three times your body weight. That's about the same force as a karate punch.


1.stub your toe 不小心把脚趾碰伤
stub your toe (phr.) 不小心把脚趾碰伤

2.slam (使) 重重撞上;(使) 砰地关上
slam (v.) (使) 重重撞上;(使) 砰地关上

3.equal to 等于
equal to (phr.) 等于

4.karate 空手道
karate (n.) 空手道


5.punch 一拳
punch (n.) 一拳
