夏说英语新闻晨读 第547期:塞翁失马焉知非福(在线收听


Scott Farquhar, co-founder and co-chief executive of software company Atlassian, remembers his life-changing "sliding doors" moment. The Australian entrepreneur was on track to join one of the country's top military institutions after he finished high school. But the letter from the Australian Defence Force Academy offering him a place got lost in the post. By the time it arrived at Scott's family home some two months late, he had opted to go to university instead. That missing letter set him, and business partner Mike Cannon-Brookes, on a path to become Australia's first tech billionaires.

sliding doors: 滑动门
entrepreneur: n. 企业家
be on track to do…: 正朝着
arrive at: 到达(小地方)
arrive in: 到达(大地方)
opt to do… 选择做
choose to do... 选择做
set sb. on a path to do…: 使某人走上做某事的道路
billionaire: n. 亿万富翁
millionaire : n. 百万富翁
