美国语文第六册 第135期:哲学家(6)(在线收听

 But it happened upon one dreary winter night, during a tremendous snowstorm, 可是,碰巧在一个阴沉的冬天晚上,在暴风雪漫天飞卷期间,

which was banging the shutters and doors of the house so as to keep up a continual uproar, 当时百叶窗和门被风雪刮得啪啪作响。
that Ned, having waited in the parlor for the philosophers until midnight, 奈德在客厅等着哲学家一直到午夜时分,
set out to invade their retreat — not doubting that he should find them deep in study. 打算打扰他们的静修——毫无疑问他本来注意到了他们在入迷地读书。
When he entered the library, both candles were burning in their sockets, with long, untrimmed wicks; 当他闯进图书馆时,只见他们旁边的烛台插着的两根蜡烛已经燃了很久了,蜡花没有修剪;
the fire was reduced to its last embers, and, in an armchair on one side of the table, 火苗已经奄奄一息,在书桌一侧的扶手椅上,
the parson was discovered in a sound sleep over Jeremy Taylor's "Ductor Dubitantium," 教区长头埋在杰里米·泰勒的那本《半信半疑的医生》上呼呼大睡,
whilst Frank, in another chair on the opposite side, was snoring over a folio edition of Montaigne. 而弗兰克坐在对面的另一把椅子上,正冲着一本对开的蒙田选集打呼噜呢。
And upon the table stood a small stone pitcher, containing a residuum of whisky punch, now grown cold. 在桌上摆着一个很小的石头制成的水罐,里面盛着的威士忌已经冰凉了。
Frank started up in great consternation upon hearing Ned's footstep beside him, and, from that time, almost entirely deserted the library. 弗兰克开始聚精会神地谛听身旁奈德脚步声,从那一时刻起,几乎完全忘记了自己是在图书馆里。
Mr. Chub, however, was not so easily drawn away from the career of his humor, and still shows his hankering after his leather-coated friends. 然而,查伯先生并不会如此轻易地从他一贯的幽默摆脱出来,渴望马上找到他坐在皮椅子上的朋友。