《摩登家庭》第1季第1集 第13期:为人父母的猜测(在线收听

 Uh, can you shut the door, please? 你能把门带上吗

Actually, we're just gonna go ahead and leave that open. 我们还是让门开着吧
Why? 为啥
Because I have, uh, seen this little show before- 因为这种场景我见多了
Lying on the bed with a tall senior. 和高大的学长共卧一塌
One minute you're just friends, watching Falcon Crest, 上一秒还只是一起看《鹰冠庄园》的朋友
and the next you're lying underneath the air hockey table 下一秒你们就钻进游戏桌下
with your bra in your pocket. 宽衣解带了
Mom! 妈妈
You hit my bone!  It was an accident! 你打到我的骨头了  纯属意外
I thought you were my friend!  I am your friend. 我以为你是我哥们呢  我是啊
Dad! Dad, Dad. You have got to talk to Mom. 爸爸  你必须和妈妈谈谈
She is, like, completely freaking out and embarrassing me! 她简直是疯了  而且丢尽了我的脸
Honey, your mom isn't always as cool about things as- 宝贝  你妈是不像你爸那么通情达理
What is with this thing? 这玩意怎么回事啊
My dad. 我爸
Uh, my dad still isn't completely comfortable with this. 我爸对这事还是不太习惯
Um- He-He still does this thing. It's been five years now. 已经过了5年了  他还是无法完全接受
And he still does this thing where he announces himself... 每次他要进入我和小卡在的房间时
before walking into any room we're in... 他都会先喊一声
just to make sure he doesn't have to ever see us kiss. 以防撞见我和小卡亲嘴
Wish my mother had that system. 要是我妈也有这个习惯就好了
Remember? - Not now. 还记得吗  -以后再说
I still can't believe you did this to me. 我真不敢相信你这么对我
Would you get in the spirit of things? It's a celebration. 你能高兴点吗  这是个庆祝会啊