《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第5期:让人无语的爸爸(在线收听

 Everybody is going to be there,mom. 每个人都会去的 妈妈

I don't care. 我不在乎
Your father and I are not about to let you Drive two hours to go to a concert 你爸爸和我是不会让你开两个小时车去听演唱会
And then spend the night with a bunch of boys, 还要跟一帮男孩厮混一晚
Especially that 17-year-old hormone you're dating. 特别是你那个荷尔蒙过剩的17岁男友
It's totally supervised. 有大人在场的
Oh, really?By whom? 是吗 谁啊
By spencer patine's uncle. Spencer Patine的叔叔
Who's spencer patine? 谁是Spencer Patine
You know spencer --the guy with the arm. 你认识他 就是那个手臂有问题的家伙
Wait. What kind of arm?What does that even mean? 等等 什么手臂 你在说什么啊
His uncle is uncle tobey. 他的叔叔就是Tobey叔叔
Oh, uncle tobey. I'll be sure to include that in my amber alert. Tobey叔叔 我会记住这人的万一发生儿童绑架案就找他
Oh, my god. Okaycan I step in here? 我的天啊 我能插一下话吗
I think I can help. 我觉得我能帮上忙
Haley, what your mom is worried about Haley 你妈妈所担心的是
Is you getting your heart broken when dylan goes off to college next year. 明年Dylan去上大学的时候 你会伤心透顶的
He's not going to college. That's not what I'm even think-- 他不会去上大学的 这根本就不是我所想的
He's not going to college? 他不会去上大学?
He's in a band, okay?They're going on tour. 他是乐队成员 要去巡回演出
Oh, this just gets better and better. 这可是越来越精彩了啊
Why are you always on me about everything?! 你为什么每一件事都要盯着我
Because you need to understand -- okay,now everybody calm down 因为你需要明白... 好了 大家都冷静
Let's start from the beginning. 让我们从头说起