《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第13期:不受欢迎的人(在线收听

 D-money. there he is. hey.come on in. Dylan来了 你好 快进来

Hi. Hey,  你好 你好
How you doing?good. 你好吗 很好
Uh, hey, everybody,this is dylan. 各位 这是Dylan
Hey. 大家好
He has a very gentle soul. 他有一颗温文尔雅的心
You got that from "hey"? 他只说了声"大家好"你就听出来了?
So, dylan,I see you brought the ax. Dylan 我看你背着乐器啊
Yeah, yeah,i just came from practice. 对 刚和乐队练习完
Sweet.miss those days. 不错 很怀念年轻的时候
Oh, you were in a band? 你以前也玩乐队?
Could have been,but in high school,I was really all about my magic, so... 差一点 不过在学校里我一直专注于魔术
Oh, my god. 别说傻话了
Oh, that's gonna be dad and gloria. 那应该是爸爸和Gloria
Oh, mitchell,I know it's silly, but... Mitchell 我知道这很愚蠢 但是..
I'm a little nervous. 我有点紧张
Oh, no. That's not silly.you should be. 不 一点也不愚蠢 很正常
How are you? 你好
Manny.Phil. 你好 Manny 你好 Phil
Nice mustache.thank you. 胡子不错 谢谢
Don't make fun.he may burn your house down. 别乱开玩笑 他或许会烧了你的房子
Oh, boy.dede. 看看谁来了 Dede
Hi, Jay. Gloria. 你好 Jay Gloria
What is she doing here? 她在这里干什么
What does she mean,"what is she doing here?" 她什么意思 什么她在这里干什么
Mitchell told you I'd be here.  Lies! Mitchell告诉你我会在这里的 撒谎
I couldn't tell her because she wouldn't come. 我不能告诉她 不然她不会来的