《摩登家庭》第1季第5集 第1期:喝咖啡是哥伦比亚风格(在线收听

 Let's go, buddy. School time. 走啦伙计 该上学去了

Oh, and, gloria, if you want to get together with the girls later, Gloria 你等会儿要是想出去 和朋友们聚聚
I could just, you know, watch the football game or something. 我就呆在家里看看橄榄球赛好了
That means he wants to watch the football game. 明明是你不想出去 想看比赛
I'm not talking to you. 我可没跟你说话
And what are you drinking coffee for, anyway? 话说你个小屁孩喝咖啡干嘛?
It's my culture. I'm colombian. 这是我的文化 我是哥伦比亚人
Oh, yeah? 哦 是吗
What part of colombia are those french toaster sticks from? 那这法式吐司条算哪门子的哥伦比亚文化
Babe, i'm not sure about the game. 亲爱的 我看球赛就算了吧
The whole family is coming over for the barbecue. 今天全家人都要来烧烤
It's today?-See? 是今天啊? 没错
It's the ohio state game. 今天是俄亥俄州决赛哪
So, everybody can watch. 那就大家一起看嘛
I don't like watching the game with people who don't know the game. 我才不要和不懂球赛的人一起看球呢
People talk. 七嘴八舌的
You talk at my football games. 你来看我球赛的时候不也是说东道西的
For one thing, it's called soccer. 搞搞清爽哦朋友 你那是英式足球
Your team's scored two goals all season. 你们队整个赛季就进了两个球
I'm not taking a big risk. 反正我是不要冒这个险
How much of this did you drink? 你到底喝了多少咖啡啊?
Give me a break. I have to climb a rope today. 怎么了嘛 今天体育课要爬绳索耶
Hey, mom?Yeah? 嘿 妈 怎么了
Can i have $40 for lunch? 能给我四十块钱买午饭么?
$40? 四十美金?
I also need a book for school. 那个 学校里还要求买本书
What book? 什么书?
I want a dress. 是我要买裙子啦
Do you have any idea what a bad liar you are? 没见过有人说谎说得像你这么烂的
I'd be more worried that she couldn't come up with a single book title. 我倒是比较担心 她一本书名都说不上来
Luke, come on, we're late! Luke 快点 要迟到了