《摩登家庭》第1季第5集 第5期:闹别扭(在线收听

 I think we should cancel with them for the barbecue. 我看今晚的烧烤我们不要让他们来了

If we cancel, it'll just make this a bigger deal than it is. 我们要是不去就有点太小题大做了
It'll be good for luke and manny to spend some time. 应该让Luke和Manny多点时间相处
It might be good for you and gloria, too. 你和Gloria也是嘛
Why? 为什么
She's always had a problem with me. 她一直对我有意见
I think i'm gonna find out what it is. 我一定要搞明白为什么
That's the worst thing you could do. 你可千万别这么干
Just sweep it under the rug. 要学会粉饰太平
I'm not a sweeper. 我又不是粉刷匠
Trust me on this. 相信我没错的
I think you two need to talk it out. 我觉得你们俩该好好谈谈
I don't have anything to say to her. 我跟她没什么好说的
She's the one with the problem, not me. 她对我有意见 我又没什么问题
Whose side are you on? 你到底站在哪边啊?
She's my daughter. You're my wife. 她是我女儿 你是我老婆
Let's remember what's important here -- 别忘了 重要的是...
There's a football game on. 今晚有总决赛
I just hate it when my two girls aren't getting along. 看见我的姑娘们闹别扭 我心里可难过了
How exactly is she your girl? 她算你哪门子姑娘啊?
I got a few things for the party. Is lily ready to go? 我为聚会准备了点东西 Lily准备好了
Oh, yeah, yeah, she's ready. 嗯 准备好了
What's wrong? 怎么了?
You know, i'm just really worried about c.J. Hightower, 我只是为CJ Hightower担心嘛
You know, with the bad ankle. 他不是关节受伤了吗
I don't know how he's gonna run his corner routes. 不知道他怎么才能跑长距离路线呢
What did my boyfriend just say? 瞧瞧我男朋友刚说了什么呀