《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第6期:经常撞头(在线收听

 Mitchell, she is your family. Mitchell 她是你家人耶

Of course she's gonna be judgmental and condescending. 当然啦 她会居高临下地批判你
Hello? 喂?
Uh,not a big deal,just wondering -- 呃 也没什么事 就想问问...
When your kids were small, did you ever... 你的孩子小的时候 有没有把...
I don't know,uh, smack their heads into a wall? 把他们头撞到墙上?
Usually, we just gave time-outs. 一般我只是叫他们闭门思过而已
No,no. Accidentally. 不是那样的 是意外
Um,we -- we just kind of bonked lily's head, 我不小心把Lily的头撞墙上了
And she -- it really wasn't very hard, 也不是特别重
And she's not acting any differently, 她没怎么哭 也没什么异样
But I just worry -- relax. 但我就是担心... 放松
It happens. 常有的事啦
Luke used to bang his head all the time,and he's fine. Luke就经常撞头的啦 他也没事
Okay. All right,thank you. 好吧 谢谢你
Thanks. That helps. Okay,okay. 谢谢 你帮大忙了
We got to take her to the doctor. 一定要带去给医生看看
Load up the car. 去把车开出来
I'm here. 我在这里
I,uh,just dropped manny off at school, 我刚把Manny送去学校了
And I realized... 然后我意识到...
I just dropped manny off at school. 我把Manny送去学校了
Oh,boy. 唉 就开始了
And I was hoping we'd still have a few more good years 我还期待着 在我们感慨时光花花流走前
Before the mind started to go. 还能好好过上几年呢
No,what I'm saying... 不 我想说的是...
We have the day to ourselves for the first time in months. 几个月以来 我们第一次能二人世界
We should take advantage of it -- 我们应该好好把握
Go to the club... 去下俱乐部...
Nice lunch... 吃顿午餐...
Some massages. 做个按摩...