《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第7期:全职妈妈的艰辛(在线收听

 What about work? 工作咋办?

I'm the boss. 我是老总嘛
Since I married you, people are surprised I come in at all. 自从娶了你 我去上班他们都觉得惊讶
Jay's very spontaneous. Jay真滴是信手拈来
He's always surprising me with little presents, 他总是有小惊喜给我 小礼物呐
Fun getaways. 欢乐小出游啦
I wasn't the greatest husband the first time around, 第一次结婚 老公没做好
But I'm trying to do better this time. 我这一次要做更好
And maybe by my third marriage, I'll have it down pat. 等到我第三次婚姻 我就炉火纯青了
Yeah,that one's gonna cost me. 呃 这下要大出血了
Whatcha reading there, a book? 你在看啥呀 什么书?
Yeah,I've been meaning to get to it for a while. 是啊 我想读它很久了
Oh,it's got a map at the beginning. 开头有张地图耶
I like it when books do that. 我就喜欢这样的书
Do you have an open house this morning? 你今天早上不是要展房吗?
I rescheduled. 我改时间了
Thought you might like some company. 我想你可能要人陪呀
Well,the first day of school can be tough 开学第一天
For stay-at-home moms. 对全职妈妈来说怪难受的吧
Now,you have to understand-- the kids are gone, 要知道 孩子不在家
The nest is empty, they are rudderless. 家里变得空虚 主妇们没了盼头
And a lot of guys wouldn't even notice. 大多数男人甚至都不会注意
But I'm not a lot of guys. 但我不是那些人