《摩登家庭》第1季第7集 第6期:把对手打得落花流水(在线收听

 Everything okay? 一切正常吧?

Yes,I was telling my grandmother how great was manny today. 嗯 我刚跟我外婆说Manny今天的战绩呢
So,that wasn't angry talk? 那不是在吵架咯?
No,silly,that was happy talk. 不是呐 傻瓜 是开心滴交谈
Ah,I'm beginning to understand why there's so much conflict on your continent. 吖 我明白为什么南美这么多斗争了
Here,check this out. 来 看这个
Aw,Jay. 噢 Jay
Jay loves to make t-shirts for special occasions. Jay很稀饭给特殊滴时刻做T恤
Come on,baby,show them. 来吧 宝贝 快拿出来
A few years back,my granddaughter haley ran a 5k,so I had a few of these made up. 5年前 我家孙女Haley跑了5000米 我就做了几件这个
It's just fun. 很有乐趣的
I love it when you're so proud of manny. 我好爱看到你这么为Manny自豪哟
You know,I'm not gonna lie.Seeing him out there slicing those kids to pieces,you know,it -- it gets to you. 不是说笑 看着他把对手打得落花流水 真是很触动心弦
Oye,gracias,my amor. 噢 谢谢你 宝贝甜心
I'm sorry to interrupt. 不好意思打断你们了
It'S okay,papi.Hey,champ.I got a little something for you. 没事的 宝贝 冠军 我有东西要给你哦
And I have something for  you.Here. 我也有东西好给你给
I will not be needing it anymore. 我再也不需要它了
But the nals. 还有决赛啊
I am retired. 我引退了
Wait,wait,wait! 等等 等等!
You can't retire. 你不能引退啊
It's just not fun anymore. 我已经觉得不好玩了