《摩登家庭》第1季第7集 第15期:打开天窗说亮话(在线收听

 So,can we take you and caroline out for ice cream? 我们能带你和Caroline去吃雪糕吗?

We can't. 不行
She's diabetic. 她有糖尿病
Of course she is. 都能猜到了
Let's get out of here. 我们快走吧
Let's get this thing in the trunk. 把这个放进车箱
I can't decide if I'm feeling more proud or mortified. 真不知现在是自豪还是压抑
How about now? 那现在呢?
We tell our kids it doesn't matter if you win or lose, 我们总是告诉孩子输赢没关系
But let's be honest. 但是开天窗说亮话
Winning feels pretty great. 赢的感觉还是很爽
There's nothing like that golden moment in the sun. 没什么比这黄金太阳的感觉更好了
I think every parent probably wants that for their child. 我想做人父母的都想孩子好
You know,maybe a little bit for ourselves,too. 但也是带点儿私心的
buddy! 厉害啊!
So,sometimes, we push too hard. 有时候我们太过强求
And that leads to a lot of resentmend and guilt. 结果带来了悔恨和内疚