《摩登家庭》第1季第8集 第9期:没有创意的母女(在线收听

 Yeah. It'll just take a second. -Well, I'm just- 对  马上就好  但是我要

you're gonna miss me sluttin' it up with Driving Miss Daisy. 你们会错过我和黛西小姐调情的
It'll just take a second.  Real fast. 就一小下  很快的
You should kill that baby. 你们应该"弄死"宝宝
What?  You should call the baby. 什么  你们应该"联系"宝宝
I love you guys so much. 我爱死你们了
Did she just- I'm scared. 她是不是说  我怕怕
I got nothing.  I think I have a very good pair. 没好牌了  我想我有一对好牌
You sure do, honey.  And I got squat. 你胸前那对是好牌  亲爱的  我也弃牌了
I don't think I have anything either. 我也没什么好牌
Are you kidding me? That's a straight. 你开玩笑呢  那是顺子
Really? She wins. 真的吗  她赢了
You won. 你赢了
I win. You got it, Haley. 我赢了  真棒  海莉
You know what? I think I deserve a soda. 好吧  我觉得该奖励自己一听汽水
Good job, Haley. Did you see that? 干得好  海莉  你看见了吗
"I don't know how to play."  She didn't even know. 她还说不会玩呢  她都不知道自己赢牌了
You know, she deserves it. 她应得的
Hi, honey. 嗨  亲爱的
Gee, you scared me. How did you- 老天  你吓坏我了  你怎么
Lightbulb went out. You don't change these right away, 灯灭了  要是不马上换
you never get around to it. 回头就懒的换了
There. 好了  
Now I can see everything that goes on around here. 现在周围的一切"状况"  我看得一清二楚
I've had a little practice at this. 我很有这方面的经验
Haley wasn't throwing anything at me I hadn't seen before 海莉的小花招我全部见识过
from her mother and then some. 她妈妈和某人当年都耍过