《摩登家庭》第1季第8集 第14期:欢迎随时来电(在线收听

 Fine. Show me the pictures of Yoko. 好吧  把小野洋子的照片拿来瞧瞧

See, it's... 听听...
It's a joke. You guys! Come on. 玩笑来着  别这样啊
'Cause she's Asian, and she broke up our group. 她是亚洲人嘛  还拆散了我们的小团体
I- I just- Look, let's at least 我...只是  听着  我们得承认
acknowledge that things have changed between us. 我们的关系和从前不太一样了
And you know what? 你得明白
Because Lily's here doesn't mean we love you any less. 莉莉的出现  不会使我们对你的爱减少丝毫
No. Absolutely not. - What's wrong? 绝对不会  -到底怎么了
We used to be really close, and 我们以前那么亲密
you used to call me a lot. And now you never call me. 你们没事就给我打电话  现在你们压根不给我打了
 Well, but we- - No. 但是我们  -不
And last week I had a really bad dream, 上周我做了个噩梦
and I was thinking, "Okay, I'm gonna call them." 我就在想  "我要给他们打电话"
And then I thought, "Oh, no, you can't call them... 然后我就觉得  "不行  不能打给他们
because you might wake up their baby." 把小宝宝吵醒了怎么办啊"
You can always call. - Oh, honey, always call us. 我们随时欢迎你的来电  -随时欢迎  亲爱的
No. I'm sorry we haven't been there. 别这样  真抱歉当时没有陪着你
We're here now, okay? 但现在我们在你身边呢
Okay? 好啦
Feel better? - I think you just put a little- 好点了吗  -我觉得你沾上了
Spittle? 口水吗
Did she just fall asleep? 她睡着了吗
I wish Lily would fall asleep like that. 真希望莉莉也能这么容易入睡
Give her eight shots of tequila. 给她8杯龙舌兰就行了