《摩登家庭》第1季第9集 第13期:勉强自己做搞笑的人(在线收听

 Hey. Oh. Well, you must be the birthday boy. 嘿  你一定就是小寿星了

Is that you, Uncle Cam? 是你吗  小卡舅夫
No. I'm Fizbo the clown. 不  我是小丑菲茨宝
I don't know who this Uncle Cam is, 我不知道小卡舅夫是谁
but he sure sounds handsome, doesn't he? 但听上去他似乎很帅  不是吗
Hey, who likes balloon animals? I do! I do! 谁喜欢气球拧的动物  我  我
It's just Cam. It's just Cam. 那只是小卡  只是小卡而已
You all right?  What? Yeah. 你还好吧  什么  当然了
Just have kind of a complicated relationship with clowns. 我只是对小丑有种复杂的情节
Well, join the club. 彼此彼此
Look, I came on strong with that whole funny guy bit. 听着  我之前太刻意勉强自己装成搞笑的人
This is me just being myself. 现在在你面前的是真实的我
Okay. Hey, do you know who that boy is over there? 好吧  你知道那边那个男生是谁吗
Oh. That's Dylan. He's Haley's boyfriend. 那是迪兰  海莉的男朋友
He's so cute and tall. 他真是又高又帅
I'm still growing. Give me a break. 我还在发育呢  别老挑我的短处
Pardon me, miss, but this little doggy needs a new home. 不好意思  小姐  这只小狗需要一个新家
Oh, thank you. 谢谢你