英语PK台 第903期: 放下偏见 世界很美 2019奥斯卡最佳影片《绿皮书》(在线收听

 Dialogue 1
Jingjing: So, Mark, have you seen any good movies lately?
Mark: It's funny you should ask. The day before yesterday I saw a movie at the cinema. It was the first time in over a year I dragged myself out there to catch a flick.
Jingjing: Ok, good for you. What'd you see?
Mark: It was called The Green Book. Have you seen it yet?
Jingjing: I haven't; but I've been hearing a lot about it. It won best picture, didn't it?
Mark: Yeah. I listened to an interview with the director on the radio. After it won, I thought I'd better see it while it's still in theaters.
Jingjing: Is it better to see in the cinema?
Mark: Of course, but it's still a good movie for small screens.
Jingjing: Well, I'll add it to my list. Can you give me the rundown without spoiling the plot?
Mark: I'll try. There's an Italian American guy who gets a job driving an African American guy on a concert tour through the states in the south east.
Jingjing: Wait a sec—why does their race matter.
Mark: Oh, well it's a period film, and takes place in the 50s or 60s when Jim Crow laws are still in effect.
Jingjing: Weren't those laws about which schools and public wash rooms people could use, depending on their race?
Mark: You got it. America was pretty segregated, especially in south-eastern states until the Civil Rights movement in the late 1960s. And this story takes place just before that.
Jingjing: Hmm, I heard it was based on a true story. Was it?
Mark: It's believable. And I bet African American musicians like the main character went on tour with private drivers. That's true to life, and a great premise for a movie.
Jingjing: Now I really want to go see it.

New words : 习语短语
flick (informal) 电影
movie, film (because of the flicker of a movie projector)
a period film 年代电影
a story that takes place in a time long before the film was made
Jim Crow laws 吉姆克劳法
laws that didn't let African Americans go to the same schools or use the same public places as whites
吉姆·克劳法 (Jim Crow laws) 泛指1876年至1965年间美国南部各州以及边境各州对有色人种(主要针对非洲裔美国人,但同时也包含其他族群)实行种族隔离制度的法律。这些法律上的种族隔离强制公共设施必须依照种族的不同而隔离使用,且在隔离但平等的原则下,种族隔离被解释为不违反宪法保障的同等保护权,因此得以持续存在。但事实上黑人所能享有的部份与白人相较往往是较差的,而这样的差别待遇也造成了黑人长久以来处于经济、教育及社会上较为弱势的地位。
segregated 隔离
separated places of living and work
the Civil Rights movement 民权运动
premise 前提,假定
the idea for a story, characters and what they will have to do

Dialogue 2
Mark: Hurry up, or you'll miss it in the theaters.
Jingjing: Why do you think it won best picture?
Mark: Well, I don't know much about the other nominees. The Green Book did an excellent job showing what racial tensions were like 60 years ago.
Jingjing: If someone has never been to America, would they understand the film?
Mark: Definitely. That's why I think they made the film well. They show the difference between life in the north and life in the deep south.
Jingjing: Did you see it with your wife?
Mark: Yeah. She hasn't been to the U.S. yet, and she was asking me if it's still like that now.
Jingjing: And, what'd you answer?
Mark: There's still racial tension. I'm reminded of what Condeleeza Rice said about slavery, how it was a birth defect for America.
Jingjing: Wow, yeah, it's hard to fix something like that. What about racial tensions nowadays?
Mark: They definitely still exist. I remember going to a party with Cubans. This was in the States but I was the only one there who was not from Cuba. Black guys and white guys got along like there was no difference whatsoever. It surprised me, and made me think about tension between different kinds of people.
Jingjing: You just have to make sure your group of friends is diverse, right?
Mark: Yeah, I think so.
Jingjing: It's up to each person to fix the tension they feel with different people, if there is any tension, that is.
Mark: Right. Anyway, I'm glad The Green Book was made. It was a very good movie.
Jingjing: I'm curious about it now.

New words : 习语短语
racial tensions 种族紧张关系
bad feelings toward one another, because people are not the same race
Condeleeza Rice 
born in Birmingham, Alabama, Secretary of State 2005-2009, now a professor of political science at Stanford
slavery 奴隶制
the period in American history when whites owned black workers, didn't pay them or let them travel freely
birth defect 先天缺陷
a problem someone has when they are born, hard to fix, might cause a person to have problems all their lif
diverse 多元化,各种各样的
many different races of people together
