
 Chapter 123 The Musket 第一百二十三章 滑膛枪

During the most violent shocks of the Typhoon, 在台风刮得顶顶厉害的时分,
the man at the Pequod's jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions  尽管舵柄上缚有大索,但是,因为舵柄阵阵震动,那个掌着"裴廓德号"的牙骨舵的舵手,
even though preventer tackles had been attached to it — for they were slack — because some play to the tiller was indispensable. 还是好几次被撞得蹒蹒跚跚地摔在甲板上,这是因为大索松了,舵柄势必会摇动不定。
In a severe gale like this, while the ship is but a tossed shuttlecock to the blast, 在这样厉害的狂风中,船只好比一只在疾风里翻簸着的毽子,
it is by no means uncommon to see the needles in the compasses, at intervals, go round and round. 所以,看到罗盘里的针不时地兜来兜去,也就决不是件稀奇的事了。
It was thus with the Pequod's; 此时的"裴廓德号"就是这般情况。
at almost every shock the helmsman had not failed to notice the whirling velocity with which they revolved upon the cards; 几乎每一震动,舵手就要望一望罗盘针在盘面上的旋力;
it is a sight that hardly anyone can behold without some sort of unwonted emotion. 这种情景,任何人看了,心情都不免非常激动。
Some hours after midnight, the Typhoon abated so much, 大约午夜过后几小时,台风已经减弱了很多,
that through the strenuous exertions of Starbuck and Stubb — one engaged forward and the other aft, 靠了斯达巴克和斯塔布的紧张努力——一个管船头,一个管船梢,
the shivered remnants of the jib and fore and main-top-sails were cut adrift from the spars, 前桅和主中桅上那些飘零零的三角桅都从桅桁上给拉了下来,
and went eddying away to leeward, like the feathers of an albatross, 打旋地朝下风卷去,活象一只正想起飞的信天翁,
which sometimes are cast to the winds when that storm-tossed bird is on the wing. 被风吹刮得连羽毛都掉下来了。
The three corresponding new sails were now bent and reefed,  那三幅相当新的篷帆现在都被收拢来了,
and a storm-trysail was set further aft; so that the ship soon went through the water with some precision again; 船梢后边,扯起一幅风暴斜桁纵帆;所以,这艘船不一会又比较准确地破浪前进了;