《摩登家庭》第1季第24集 第8期:完美主义者(在线收听

 Why does everything have to suck? 干嘛什么都跟我过不去

Let's just do the picture another day. 我们还是改天照相吧
I think I'm getting a pimple. 我脸上马上要冒痘痘了
No. 不行  
Do you know how long it took me to book this photographer? 你知道我多辛苦才约到那位摄影师吗
Maybe by the fireplace. 在壁炉那里照怎么样
Yeah. That's a classic old-person spot for a portrait. 行啊  旧时代的老人都喜欢在那儿画塑像
Yeah, if I'd ever bothered to paint that hideous wall. 拉倒吧  墙的颜色太恶心
Claire is a perfectionist, which sometimes is a good thing, 克莱尔是个完美主义者  这有时候是好事
like when it comes to picking a husband. 比如选个绝代老公什么的
Sometimes it's a bad thing, 有时候就不太好了
like when everyone else sees something beautiful... 比如大家都觉得某样东西很不错
and all she sees is the teeny-tiny flaw. 而她的眼里就只有那些丁点大的瑕疵
No. No. 不行  坚决不行
No. 不行
Hi. My house is a disaster. 喂  我的房子遭殃了
Can we do this picture at your place? 能在你那里拍照吗
Yeah, that's- that's not gonna work. 这个  怕是不太可能了
So- 所以
Maybe one more layer. And tight, really tight. 再缠一圈吧  粘紧点  用点力
- Dad, can you call them again? - I just did. -爸  能再催催他们吗  -刚打过了
They're on their way. Game went into overtime. 他们在路上了  比赛打进加时赛了