摩登家庭第三季 第13期:欺骗卢克搬进阁楼(在线收听

 Mom, hurry up! I don't want to be late for school. 妈妈,快点!我不想迟到。

You didn't tell her, did you? 你没告诉她是吧?
What's the hurry this morning?  为什么今早这么着急?
Okay, what's with the looks? It's like a silent movie in here. Okay. 你们爷俩的表情是怎么回事?就像在看默片一样。
I was walking behind this girl Alicia, who's moving away, and I was working up the courage to get her new address so I can write her. 我跟在一个叫阿丽莎的姑娘后面,她要搬家了,我好不容易鼓起勇气想要她的新地址这样我就能给她写信了。
I express myself a lot better on paper than--Ticktock, kid. 我比较擅长用文字表达自己......别太忽悠,孩子。
Well, she dropped her locket, and I picked it up, but she kept walking, and I... 好吧,她的吊坠掉了,然后我就捡起来了,但是她一直在走,我......
You stole the locket.  你偷了吊坠。
After I told the principal that you could have never done something like that, and I threaten him with the colombian necktie! Manny, why? 我还告诉校长你绝不会做出这样的事情,我还用哥伦比亚领带威胁他。为什么,曼尼?
Don't worry. It wasn't 'cause he wanted to wear it. 别担心。他偷来不是因为自己想戴。
I thought I could keep it as something to remember her by.  我只是想留个纪念。
But then you were yelling at Mr. Vickers, and I-I was just too scared to tell you. 但是后来你冲着维克斯老师大喊,我就不敢告诉你了。
Go to the car. -I'm really sorry. - Go. 上车。-我真的很抱歉。-快去。
Why would he do something like that? 他怎么会做出这样的事?
It's bad enough that he's the boy with the pan flute and the puffy shirts and--and the poems. Now he's the jewelry thief. 他已经够怪异的了,爱吹排笛,穿大码衫,没事儿就吟诗作对。现在还成了珠宝大盗。
Might be an upgrade. 已经算上升个等级了。
Ay, Jay, this is not funny.  杰,这可不好笑。
Those things stick to you. My cousin Rosa Marina--when she was 14, she stole something, and after that, everybody thinks of her as the girl who steals cars. 这种污点终生都洗不掉啊。我表妹洛萨·玛丽娜,她14岁的时候偷了东西,从那之后所有人都把她当成是偷车贼。
She stole a car? 她偷了一辆车?
Cars. But after she got that label, what else could she do? 不止一辆。但她一旦被贴上那样的标签,她还能干什么呢?
Listen, you can't control what kids think, but you can make sure he learns from this. 听着,你不能控制孩子的想法,但是你能让他从这次的事件中得到教训。
You take him to the principal's office, he owns up to it, he never does it again. 你带他去校长办公室,他承认错误,然后就不会再犯。
Okay. Okay. But what was he thinking? This is not even real gold. 好吧。好吧。他是怎么想的?这都不是真金的。
No way, Haley! It was my idea! I'm taking this room! 不可能,海莉!这是我的主意!我要这间!
Over my dead body! 痴心妄想!
This is going to be my room, and there's nothing you can do about it! -Seriously? 我要定了这间房,你连想也别想!-有点过吧?
What are you guys fighting about? 你们在吵什么?
Okay, so we both think that this would make a totally awesome bedroom. 我们都觉得这里做卧室再合适不过了。
But only one of us can have it. Don't you think it should be me? 但只有一个人能拥有它。你不觉得应该是我吗?
Oh, so not. It should be me. Right, Luke? 是你的才怪。应该是我的。对吧,卢克?
Why do you guys wanna move into the attic? 你们为什么想搬进阁楼来?
Oh, you mean "The penthouse"? 你是说"顶层公寓"吗?
With all the privacy of being on its very own floor? 隐私得到极大保护的独层公寓噢?