摩登家庭第三季 第14期:妈妈帮助曼尼撒谎(在线收听

 It is kinda cool. I'm not an idiot. I knew what they were up to, but I've been wanting to move for a while. 确实不错。我不是白痴。我知道她们在打什么鬼主意,不过我也一直想挪个窝。

There's a line of ants going to a trick-or-treat bag in my closet, and I don't want to still be there when they get tired of candy. 有一队蚂蚁正在向我衣橱里万圣节的糖袋子进军,我可不希望它们吃腻了糖就拿我当肉宰割。
Good morning, princess. Good morning, Lily. 早上好,小公主。早上好,莉莉。
It's very adorable, Mitchell, but I'm having kind of a rough morning. -Daddy, up. 真可爱,米奇尔,但是今天早上对我来说太艰难了。-爹地,抱抱。
I'm sorry, Lily, those days are over. Now here's your lunch. Go get your bag. We will be leaving shortly. 对不起,莉莉,好日子到头了。这是你的午饭。去把你的书包拿来。我们马上出发。
Cam, you don't have to ice her out completely. 小卡,你也不用对她这么冷冰冰啊。
Do you think I'm enjoying this? But I need her to detach from me before the new thing comes or who knows what she'll do to it. 你以为我愿意这么做吗?但是我得让她在新东西来之前摆脱对我的依赖,不然的话鬼知道她会对他怎么样。
Why are you saying "Thing" Instead of "Baby"? 你为什么把"宝宝"说成"东西"?
Kill the new baby. 干掉新宝宝。
Oh. Um, look, I-I-I know this is hard, but I really appreciate what you're doing. 我知道这么做很难受,我也很欣赏你的挽救措施。
And believe me, I take no pleasure in seeing you suffer like this. I take a little pleasure. 相信我,看着你受此煎熬我也很难过。我其实有点偷着乐。
No, but there--there are very few parenting issues where I come out on top. 主要是因为在为人父母这方面上我向来都表现比他糟糕。
You know, I'm distant. I work too much. My French braiding is "Sloppy." 我跟家人有点疏远。我工作太忙了。我给莉莉编的法式辫子像乱麻。
Finally, you know, something that isn't my fault. 终于,有些事不是我的错了。
Ready. 准备好了。
Could you please just go put her in her car seat while I compose myself? 你可不可以把她抱进车里我需要淡定一下?
All right, you know what, Cam? Why don't I just take Lily to preschool on my way to work? 好的,那个,小卡?不如我上班时候顺便送她去幼儿园吧?
I think that would be best. Let me just whip up a smoothie for you before you go. 那敢情儿好。出发之前让我来给你弄一份冰沙。
I push the buttons, daddy. -You certainly do. 我要按那个按钮,爹地。-好呀。
What do you think the principal's going to do to me? I am a first-time offender. 你觉得校长会怎么处理我?我是初犯。
Oh, great. Now I'm tardy. Strike two. 这下好了。我还迟到了。罪加一等。
Manny, think of this in a positive way, like it is your "Ha ha" moment. - What does that mean? 曼尼,态度积极点,把它当成你的"哈哈"时刻。-什么意思?
That means that one day, you're gonna laugh about it. 意思是,将来有一天你会一笑置之的。
Ah, I should've just given that stupid necklace back to Alicia when she was standing right next to her locker. 我当时就该把那该死的吊坠还给阿丽莎的,当时她就站在她的储物柜旁边。
This is the worst day of my life, till tomorrow...Oh. And every day after that. Oh. Come on, mom. Let's get this over with. 这是我一生中最糟糕的一天,明天也是。还有以后的每一天。走吧,妈妈。让我们快点解决这件事。
Wait. - What? 等一下。-怎么了?
Which one did you say that it was her locker? This one? 你说哪个是她的储物柜?这个吗?
Mm-hmm. The one that smells like rose oil. Mom? 是的。那个闻起来像玫瑰精油的味道。妈妈?
Keep the lookout. Now promise me that you will never, ever do anything dishonest again. -I promise. 把好风。现在向我保证你再也不做这种事了。-我保证。
Okay, because that's not the way I raised you. Don't tell Jay anything, okay? 很好,我养的儿子可不是珠宝大盗。对杰一定要守口如瓶,好吗?