摩登家庭第三季 第79期:肯尼斯的创业史(在线收听

 Ah! So many memories in this place. Yeah. Do you guys still have, like, every cereal? 这里充满了我的回忆啊。你们依然,每次吃麦片的时候都那个吗?

We have a lot. 必须的。
Yeah! Of course you do. Of course you do. You only have the greatest dad in the world. 当然!当然!那是肯定的啦。你们有世上最了不起的老爸。
So what have you been up to? I haven't seen you since you went off to college. 你近些年在忙些什么啊?你上大学后我就没见过你了。
Oh, you know, actually, that didn't work out so well. I bounced around for a while. Ended up washing dishes in New Mexico. 事实上,我是被大学上了。我四处混了一段时间。最后在新墨西哥州洗起了盘子。
So without the benefit of a college degree, I guess your options were kind of limited, huh? 看来没有大学文凭,可以选择的职业很有限啊?
Ease up. It's a holiday. 别谈学习。今天过节呢。
Yeah, it was--it was tough. Oh, no. no, thank you. Thank you, though, sweetie. You're so sweet. - Oh. Okay. 是啊,是很艰难。不,不,谢谢。-谢谢你,甜心。你真好。-好吧。
It was tough for a while...But then a roommate and I started our own business. 一开始挺艰难的,后来我跟我室友自己创业了。
Oh, was that also in the dish or cleaning industry? 也是餐饮业或清洁行业的吗?
No. No, no, no. It was actually a small investment company. Well, small at first. 不。不。其实是个小投资公司。最初规模很小。
You know, we rode the tech wave for a while, then expanded into video games, amusement parks, sports arenas. 当了一阵科技的弄潮儿,然后扩张到电子游戏游乐场,运动场什么的。
Anything that seemed awesome, really. I'm actually in town to buy a blimp. -Holy crow. 什么牛逼就投资什么。我此次回乡是来买小飞艇的。-苍天大地啊。
So if you--if you'd gone to college, you would have done all that just four years later, or--or never. 所以如果当初你上了大学,可能要4年之后才会做那些事,或者根本不会。
Alex really needs to be picked up, Sweetie. Why don't you go get her? 得有人去接艾丽克斯了,甜心。你去接下她吧?
I wanna hear more of what he has to say about. 我还想听听他的创业史呢。
We're leaving. 快走吧。
Kenneth, I am so proud of you. You really made it. 肯尼斯,我太为你骄傲了。你真的很成功。
Well, I did get one pretty lucky break. Early on, I met a very special guy who taught me that what I thought and said had value. 确实,我运气好。早些年,我认识了个贵人,他让我意识到我的所思所言都是有价值的。
Oh, you mean like--Shh. Luke. Let the man talk. 你是说...卢克。听他说。
He encouraged me to always find the fun and follow this thing. -Your lung? 他鼓励我干什么都得找到乐趣,并且永远跟着这里走。-你的肺吗?
No, my heart. To this day, at every crossroad, I ask myself one question, What would Phil Dunphy do? 不,我的心。直到今天,每做一个决定前我都会问自己,菲尔·邓菲会怎么做?
Record scratch! 至理名言啊!
Oh, that's me buzzin'. Oh, it's Paris. She's my assistant in Tokyo. 来电话了。是帕丽斯打来的。她是我在东京的助理。
You'd think they'd know how to demo 4-d gaming graphics without my help. 他们没我连个4D游戏图都展示不了。
They don't. Hey, Luke, what instrument does Yo-Yo Ma play? 完全搞不定。嘿,卢克,马友友拉什么乐器来着(马友友是着名大提琴演奏家)?
Um...cello? "琴"讲?
He's me...and he's spectacular. 他就是翻版的我,但却是豪华升级版的。