乔布斯传 第506期:iPod(6)(在线收听

 Fadell and Rubinstein were fated to clash because they both thought that they had fathered the iPod. 法德尔和鲁宾斯坦注定要发生冲突,因为他们都认为自己是iPod之父。

As Rubinstein saw it, he had been given the mission by Jobs months earlier, 从鲁宾斯坦的角度来看,乔布斯早在项目开始的几个月前就给他布置了任务,
found the Toshiba disk drive, and figured out the screen, battery, and other key elements. 他找到了东芝的硬盘,又确定了显示屏、电池和其他重要元件,
He had then brought in Fadell to put it together. 然后他让法德尔把这些组合起来。
He and others who resented Fadell's visibility began to refer to him as "Tony Baloney." 他和其他人都很讨厌法德尔这种处处邀功的行为,所以戏称他为“夸夸其谈的家伙”。
But from Fadell's perspective, before he came to Apple he had already come up with plans for a great MP3 player, 但是法德尔认为,在他来到苹果公司以前自己就已经有了MP3的计划,
and he had been shopping it around to other companies before he had agreed to come to Apple. 而且他已经在其他公司兜售了一圈,最后才同意加入苹果。
The issue of who deserved the most credit for the iPod, or should get the title Podfather, 关于他们谁对iPod的功劳最大、谁能落得“iPod之父”的称号,
would be fought over the years in interviews, articles, web pages, and even Wikipedia entries. 在此后多年的各类采访、文章、网页,甚至是维基百科中,一直争论不休。
But for the next few months they were too busy to bicker. 但是在最初的几个月里,他们忙得没有时间吵架。
Jobs wanted the iPod out by Christmas, and this meant having it ready to unveil in October. 乔布斯希望iPod能在圣诞节之前上市,也就是说,在10月就要准备好发布。
They looked around for other companies that were designing MP3 players 他们研究了其他正在设计MP3的公司,
that could serve as the foundation for Apple's work and settled on a small company named PortalPlayer. 想找到一家能够为苹果公司提供基础服务的,最后锁定了一家叫PortalPlayer的小公司。
Fadell told the team there, "This is the project that's going to remold Apple, 法德尔告诉PortalPlayer的团队:“这个项目将会改造整个苹果公司,
and ten years from now, it's going to be a music business, not a computer business." 而且十年之后,苹果公司将成为音乐公司,而不再是计算机公司。”
He convinced them to sign an exclusive deal, and his group began to modify PortalPlayer's deficiencies, 他说服他们签下了独家协议,然后他们就开始修正PortalPlayer的一些缺陷,
such as its complex interfaces, short battery life, and inability to make a playlist longer than ten songs. 包括复杂的界面、较短的待机时间,以及只能容纳十首歌曲的小播放列表。