打工姐妹花第二季 第197期:重新斗嘴(在线收听

 Well, we did it, Max. We made $4,000. 我们做到了,麦克斯。我们赚到了4千块。

And as far as Andy and I go, I think we're in the right place, 关于我和安迪,我觉得我们像现在这样正好,
because when he said he'd been thinking about me since the breakup, 因为当他说他分手后每分每秒都在想我,
I realized I'd only been thinking about the cupcakes. 我才意识到自己每分每秒想的都是小蛋糕。
Oh, please, god, shut up. 天啊,拜托把嘴闭上。
Thank you. I was dying to shut up. 谢谢。我的嘴也超级想休息。
Look, it's a text from the place. They loved the cupcakes. 是顾客发来的短信。他们很喜欢我们的小蛋糕。
Wait, why do I have your phone in my apron? 慢着,为什么你的手机会在我的围裙里?
No, my phone was in my apron. 不可能,我的手机是放在我的围裙里。
Unless I handed you the wrong apron after I wiped them down. 除非我当时擦完围裙后,错把我的递给你了。
What? What? Oh...Your earring. I had it in there the whole time. 什么?果然。你的耳环。它一直在我这里。
Oh, we're idiots! We're two very different kinds of idiots, but we're idiots. 我们俩白痴。虽说是两种完全不同类型的白痴,但我们都是白痴。
And yet, somehow we work. We're the most unlikely animal friends. 然而不知何故,我们俩超搭。我们就像非比寻常的动物朋友。
I don't know about that, but a picture of me nursing you would definitely go viral. 我是不知道啦,但我给你喂奶的照片绝对会在网络上爆红。
Good night. Good night. Where you going? 晚安。晚安。你要去哪里?
I'm too tired to pull my bed down. I'm sleeping with you. 我累得没力气把床弄下来了。我要跟你一起睡。
No, you're not. You have super gonorrhea. 不行,你可是有超级淋病。