打工姐妹花第二季 第198期:偷拿鸡蛋(在线收听

 Well, here it is. My last tip. Only $2. 老娘今晚最后一笔小费。只有两块钱。

And to think, I held in a fart for those cheap bastards. 亏我之前还为了那些小气鬼憋住一个屁。
This night sucks. We don't even have enough to buy supplies for tomorrow. 今晚烂死了。我们都没赚够明天蛋糕店的材料钱。
We'll just have to go to that store where everything's free. 只能去那家所有商品皆免费的小店拿了。
Oh, good. They're open. 太好了,那店还没关门。
And we have to sneak all this stuff out. Han's staying late to do inventory. 我们得偷偷把这些东西弄出去。阿憨今晚要留下清点库存。
Damn it, why does he always have to be so asian? 靠,他有需要这么亚洲人吗?
Let's see, what do we need for our cupcake shop? Eggs, sugar. 我们小蛋糕店需要哪些东西来着?鸡蛋,糖。
A stripper pole? Do you want to make money or not? 脱衣舞钢管一根?你到底想不想挣钱啊?
How are we gonna hide these eggs? 我们该怎么偷带这些鸡蛋走啊?
You could put some of those "Grade A large" where there's "Grade A itty-bitties." 你可以把这些"A级大鸡蛋"藏进你的"A杯小奶罩"里。
Rude, but I don't hate it. I can probably fit four to six in each. 嘴贱,不过主意不错。我估计一边可以塞四到六颗。
So positive! I love that you're a "cup's half full" kind of person. 真积极正面!我就爱你这样"杯"子半满的积极人士。
So come here often? 常来光顾吗?
This is my first time. 人家第一次来。
Well, you're very pretty. Oh, thank you. 你很漂亮哦。谢谢夸奖。
Heads up. Han's coming your way. Should I fake a stroke? 小心啦。阿憨要过来了。要我假装中风吗?
And P.S., if I don't get up in three minutes, it's a real one. 先说好,如果我三分钟后都没起身,那我就是真中风了。
No, I'll deal with him. You keep going. 不用,我来搞定他。你继续塞。
Keep it up, and we'll finally have an answer to the question "What comes first? The chicken or the Oleg?" 别停啊,你继续我们就能知道,是鸡先来到世上,还是奥列格先"来"啦。