摩登家庭第六季 第46期:只是上个床罢了(在线收听

 What's this? 这是什么?

Permission slip. 许可回执。
Lets me transfer into French. 让我改学法语。
Only one parent signature required. 只需要一个家长签名。
Come on, Jay. Jay 求你了。
I can't take it anymore. I quit. 我受不了,我放弃。
You're already starting to sound French. 这语气已经很像法国人了。
Honey, I'm getting worried about Alex. 亲爱的,我有点担心Alex。
I don't think she slept again last night. 昨晚她肯定没睡觉。
It's like the third night in a row. 已经连续三个晚上了。
I thought you were gonna set your alarm and check on her? 你不是定了闹钟监督她吗?
Stupid thing never went off. 这货从来没响过。
I'm sure Alex slept. 她肯定睡觉了。
I don't know. 不一定。
She's sitting at her desk, too tired to move her eyeballs. 她坐在书桌前累得眼珠都动不了。
She's reading her book like this. 只靠移动书看字,像这样。
Did anyone see my leopard print skirt? 看到我的豹纹裙没有?
I saw a leopard headband on the stairs. 台阶上有个豹纹发带。
That's it. 就是它。
Alex is gonna be fine. Alex没事的。
That's the one I'm worried about. 该担心的是她。
I'm gonna go talk to her. 我得和她谈谈。
I can't believe I just went power-walking with her skirt on my head. 要命,我竟然头套女儿的裙子去健步行了。
Haley, honey, I wanted to talk to you about this whole thing with Andy. Haley 乖女儿,我想和你谈谈关于Andy的事。
What's there to talk about? 有什么好谈的?
Well, I'm concerned that it is distracting you from what's really important. 我担心你们的关系让你分心,避重就轻。
Oh, mom, there's nothing to worry about. 妈,不需要担心。
You know, it's just sex. 只是上个床罢了。
What? 什么?
Purely physical. It's really just a stress-reliever. 仅限肉体,舒缓压力。
I am not having sex with Andy. We're just friends. 我们才没上床,只是普通朋友。
I'm helping him prep for a job interview that he doesn't want anybody to know about. 我帮他准备工作面试,但他让我保密。
The whole sex thing was the fastest way to end the conversation with my mother. 我说上床只是为了尽快堵住我妈的嘴。
Uh, are there any more questions? 还有问题吗?
No. 没。
Okay, cool. 很好。
Oh, that's him. 哦,他来了。