摩登家庭第六季 第60期:拿错东西(在线收听

 What is that? 那是什么?

Oh, nothing. 没什么。
No. For a second, it looked like...Oh, my God! You have my underwear? ! 别这样。乍一看,挺像...天啊!你拿了我的内裤?!
No. Okay, well, yes, but it's not what you're thinking. 不,好吧,是的可不是你想的那样。
Uh, they were in my pants. 它们本来在我的裤子里。
What is wrong with you? ! 你搞什么啊?!
I know you have a crush on me, but this is, like, deep freak! 我知道你迷恋我,可这样也太痴汉了!
No, I used to have a crush on you, but not anymore. 不,我曾经迷恋过你,不过现在不会了。
This is all just bad luck. 我就是运气不好。
Just take your panties and go. 快拿着你的内裤走人吧。
Re-creating the quaint part of the pilgrim story where they trade underwear for corn? 你们在重现当年的朝圣者拿内裤换玉米的诡异情节吗?
Oh, my God. 天啊。
This is not that terrible. 这样也没那么糟嘛。
True. We have drinks. 没错,我们喝着小酒。
Joe's playing with his "H." Everybody's happy. 乔在玩他的小玩具。大家都很开心。
Sí. 干杯。
And why are we going into my dad's bedroom? 我们为啥要去我爸的卧室?
You've got to be kidding me. 开什么玩笑。
Lily thinks she can wear whatever she wants, so what if we... 莉莉觉得自己想穿什么就可以穿什么,所以要是我们...
No, no, I am not putting on one of my dad's hideous leisure suits. 不,不,我才不要穿我爸那些丑不拉几的休闲裤。
That is not the plan. Relax. 没让你穿那个,放松。
Do you remember last year when we picked her up from that family dinner at Claire's? 你还记得去年我们从克莱尔家的晚餐上把她接回来的时候吗?
We were dressed as Cagney and Lacey for Pepper's '80s Ladies Party, and she flipped out. 我们当时为胡娇的八十年代女士派对穿成警花拍档的样子,她当时就翻脸了。
You're not putting on one of Gloria's dresses. 你不是要穿歌洛莉亚的裙子吧。
If you would simply just let me finish, that is not the plan. 你就不能让我说完嘛,计划不是那样的。
Okay, I'm sorry. 好吧,抱歉。
We're both putting on dresses. 我们都要穿裙子。
No, I am not doing this. 不,我才不要这么做。
Mitchell, it won't have any impact if I do it by myself. 米奇尔,就我一个人穿是没有效果的。
I promise if it doesn't work, we'll do it your way. 我保证要是没有作用,我们就按你说的做。
You know, the only part of this I like is getting to see this closet. 这整个计划里我唯一喜欢的部分就是参观衣帽间。
Mitchell, focus on the goal. 米尔奇,专心点。
You know she only dresses the way she does to get attention. 你知道她那么穿衣服只是为了吸引眼球。
Maybe it was cute a few years ago, but she's just getting too old for this. 几年前可能还挺可爱的,可现在她已经老得不适合卖萌了。
You know what she needs is a good spank on the bottom. 打她一顿屁股就好了。
No, that's your father's way. 不行,这是你爸的方式。
You told them about that? 你是这么告诉他们的吗?
I'm telling you, if I had this closet, I never would have come out. 跟你说,要是我有这么个衣帽间,我根本就不会出来(出柜)。
Well, you can come back later. Let's just get this over with. 你以后还可以再来。我们先把这事儿解决了。
If those mean girls have something to say to me, they should say it to my face. 如果那两个贱姑娘有话想跟我说,他们就该当着我说。
One problem at a time. You heard them. They're coming back. 一件事一件事慢慢来。你也听到了,他们还会回来。
We've got to get out of here. 我们得离开这里。
And go where? 然后去哪里?
We'll sneak down the back stairs. 我们从后面的楼梯偷溜出去。
We'll run around to the front porch and pretend we cut our trip short to be with everybody. 再跑到前面的走廊去,假装为了和大家团聚提前结束旅游回来了。
Now, you grab your coat, get the diaper bag. 你赶快拿上外套和尿布。
I'll grab a couple of suitcases, and I'll meet you there. 我去拿几个行李箱,门口见。