摩登家庭第六季 第97期:我们不为小事忧心(在线收听

 Oh, god! Okay. Okay. My meeting's been pushed up. It's in 15 minutes. 天呐!好吧。我的会议被提前了。15分钟后就要开始了。

Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Look at me. Look at me. This is a test, and we don't sweat the small stuff. 好吧,好吧。看着我,看着我。这是个测试,我们不为小事忧心。
Just let it go. Stop it! Stop it. 就随它吧。够了!停。
I know you think you discovered the new you, but you are controlling even when you're trying to not be controlling. 我知道你觉得找了新自我,但你在努力不去控制别人的时候还是个彻头彻尾的控制狂。
So j-- give me your skates. 所以,把轮滑鞋给我。
What? Why? 什么?为什么?
You've dragged me so far, we're closer to my office than we are to the car. Take 'em off! 我被你拖了这么远,现在我离办公室比离我们的车要近。脱鞋!
He just wasn't ready. But me? 他还是没准备好。但我呢?
I had a message for the small stuff that used to rule my life. 我要让那些曾经掌控我生活的小事情知道我的讯息。
Hey, Phil. Honey, how you holding up? 菲尔,亲爱的,你怎么样?
Good. 很好。
So, I'm at the beach -- long story. Anyway, I was hoping you wouldn't mind waiting at the house for Luke's tutor. 我在沙滩这,长话短说。你介不介意在家等着卢克的家教来。
Actually, I would mind. I'd mind quite a bit. I'm kind of busy. 我介意,很介意。我这很忙。
Okay, great. Suck it, small stuff. 好的,很好。去死吧,鸡毛蒜皮的小事。