摩登家庭第六季 第100期:你的脸变红了(在线收听

 Look, I've tried really hard to put up with a lot since...What's going on? 听着,我已经很努力地在忍受你...怎么了?

Oh, I just had so much fun with you! We don't do this enough. 跟你在一起真开心!我们一起玩的机会太少了。
I just wish there was something that you could teach me. Wait, what about your judo stuff? 真希望有什么可以让你教我的。等等,你教我柔道怎么样?
Uh you're not interested in that. 你不会感兴趣的。
No! No! I am! Come on! Karate-chop me or something! 才不是,我有兴趣,来嘛!来个斜劈还是什么的!
That is not -- Okay. All right. Let's just do one simple move. 那不是...好吧,我教你。我们先做一个简单的动作。
Okay. 好的。
Now, this won't wrinkle my top, will it? That was actually fun! Show me one more time. 不会弄皱我的上衣吧?这可太有意思了!再教我一次。
Oh, no! Oh, my gosh. I thought I lost you again. 不!天呐,我以为又失去你了呢。
Wait, wait, wait. Back up. Again? 等等,倒回去,又是怎么回事?
Oh, yeah, when we almost got killed, I thought I lost my phone. It was really scary. 是啊,差点出车祸的时候,我以为把手机摔坏了。那可真恐怖。
Mentos-pramp-climb, test number two. Lesson learned -- when pressure builds to dangerous levels, it must be released. 曼妥思喷射器,第二次测试。经验教训,当压力达到危险等级必须得到释放。
Is your lip getting better or your face getting redder? 是你的嘴好些了,还是你的脸变红了?
Just gonna pop into the family room. 我去客厅啦。
What the hell was that? ! 你在搞什么?
Oh, I'm just getting started! 这才刚刚开始呢!
Why do you have to be such a silly -- Haley, stop! Mom! 为什么你要这样傻...海莉,住手!妈妈!