摩登家庭第六季 第108期:想跟我做点疯狂的事吗?(在线收听

 I may have one in the back. But it takes two guys to load the truck, and it's just me today. 后面可能还有一台。但要两个人把它从车上搬下来,今天这里只有我一人。

Is it? 是吗?
It was right about then that a question started nagging at me. 就在那电光火石的一瞬,我的心头涌上一个问题。
Is Phil sexy? 菲尔性感吗?
You feel like doing something a little crazy with me? 你想跟我做点疯狂的事吗?
What? No. What? No. 什么?不想。什么?不想。
Hey, honey. Phil, honey, how you holding up? Good. 你好啊,亲爱的。菲尔,亲爱的,你还好吗?挺好的。
I'm at the beach -- long story. I was hoping you wouldn't mind waiting at the house for Luke's tutor. 我在沙滩 ...说来话长。我希望你不介意在家等着卢克的补习老师。
Actually, I would mind. I'd mind quite a bit. I'm kind of busy. Okay. 实际上我挺介意的,我做不到啊。我挺忙的。好吧。
Cam, there's something that Claire would never approve of that I've always wanted to do. Always? 小卡,有件事是克莱尔永远不会允许的,但却是我一直都想做的。一直吗?
We're gonna want to put a blanket down on that backseat. 我们要在后车座上铺块毛毯。
This was a huge mistake. I am jammed in the backseat with a hairy Peruvian biter. It's spring break '92 all over again! 这是个巨大的错误。我跟一只多毛的秘鲁神兽被困在后车座。简直是92年的春假情景重演!
Well, speed bump coming up. Hold the leash taut. It's supposed to keep her calm. 前方有减速带,把绳子拉紧一点。那样可以让它保持镇静。
I got lucky. I don't think this one's a spitter. 我很幸运。我觉得它应该不会到处乱喷吧。