摩登家庭第六季 第238期:瞧瞧秋季的新品(在线收听

 I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I-I really am -- so embarrassing. 我不知道,对不起。非常抱歉。我真的好令人感到难堪。

Maybe there's some sort of, um -- I don't know, like, a -- a -- a donation or something I could give to the auto shop to, um...grease the wheels. 也许我能...我说不好,捐一笔钱...给汽车店,来给车轮上上油,促成事儿。
We're good on grease. But you can never have too much brake fluid, so -- 我们不缺油。但是有多少制动液都不嫌多,因此...
Or perhaps the soccer team could use some new cleats, help them get their...- Kick back? 也许足球队需要一些防滑钉,帮他们... -反击吗?
Okay, Mrs. Dunphy, I'm really doing everything I can to ignore the fact that you're trying to bribe me for the Marlon Boniface integrity award. 好了,邓菲太太,我真的在尽量无视你想贿赂我,从而让你儿子获得马龙·邦尼菲斯品格正直奖这一事实。
I'm so glad you can remember that name, but you can't remember Luke. 很高兴你能记得那个名字,但你连卢克都记不住。
My first day off in a month, I'm headed out the door to go shopping with Gloria, and my stupid boss needs me to pick up some stupid orchid. 我这个月第一次放假,我要出去跟歌洛莉亚逛街,结果我的蠢老板需要我去拿兰花。
Like my time's not valuable? 好像我的时间就不值钱一样?
Gloria was gonna help me pick out a toe ring. 歌洛莉亚要帮我选足环呢。
Oh, I don't care if you are here illegally, you're gorgeous. 我不管你是不是非法的,(偷渡民)你太美了。
Listen, mister, for your information, I am -- 听着先生,告诉你一下,我...
Flower. He's talking...flower. 花,他说的是花。
Gavin, I would like to introduce you -- 加文,我想给你介绍...
Where are the photos from the Milan Show I asked for? 我要的米兰秀的照片呢?
I-I don't remember you asking for them. 我不记得你要过啊。
Oh. I guess one of us is mistaken, but who? 我想我俩之间有人搞错了,但是是谁呢?
The fashion icon profiled by Vanity Fair for pioneering a new sock length, or the part-time employee who shares a stapler? 因为引领了袜子新长度而登上《名利场》的时尚偶像,还是共用订书机的兼职员工?
Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Here they are. 对不起。对不起,对不起,给你。
Oh, look what's new for fall. Thumbprints. 瞧瞧秋季的新品。拇指纹。
Do you know the Thai, German, Argentine, Mexican gourmet food truck back to basics? - Yes. 你知道泰国,德国,阿根廷,墨西哥的美食车"返璞归真"吗?-知道。
I need you to make me a standing reservation there. 我需要你帮我站位预定。
How do I make a standing reservation? 我要怎么站位预定啊?
Parking's a bitch. I need you to go there, find a spot, and stand in it until I arrive. 那里很难停车。我需要你过去,找个地方站在那里直到我过去。
I wanted to kill him. 我想杀了他。
But I bite my tongue, because in this family, they think that I am a Colombian hothead, 但我保持沉默了,因为这家人觉得我是哥伦比亚的急性子,
which is crazy because a Colombian hot head is when you set somebody's head on fire. It smells terrible, but it sends a message. 这很疯狂,因为哥伦比亚的急性子会烧了别人的头。气味很臭,但能让别人记住教训。