留美老师带你每日说英文 第1164期:无声电影(在线收听

 When literacy was a necessity to be able to read the words on screen, the loud crunching and chewing of popcorn would have been a distraction from reading the subtitles, and the theater owners didn't want their beautiful rugs and carpets ruined from the inevitable droppings of snacks into the aisles.


1.necessity 必需的东西;生活必需品
necessity (n.) 必需的东西;生活必需品
necessary (adj.) 必需的;不可或缺的

2.distraction 分心的事;分散注意力的东西
distraction (n.) 分心的事;分散注意力的东西
distract (v.) 使分心;使转移注意力;干扰

3.subtitles 副标题;字幕
subtitles (n.) 副标题;字幕


4.inevitable 不可避免的;必然发生的
inevitable (adj.) 不可避免的;必然发生的
unavoidable (adj.) 无法避免的
