生活口语天天说 第237期:怎样评论运动场与运动员(在线收听

 It's the most marvelous stadium I have ever seen. 这是我见过的最宏伟的体育场。

So this is the Bird's Nest, the National Stadium,the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics. 这是鸟巢,也就是国家体育场,是2008夏季奥运会的田径主会场。
It's the most marvelous stadium I have ever seen. 这是我见过的最宏伟的体育场。
Who do you think will win the race? 你认为谁能贏得比赛?
Who do you think will win the race? 你认为谁能贏得比赛?
I think it must be Track 6. 我想一定是第六道的运动员。
He won the race in the last Olympics. 他是上届奥运会的冠军。
Look! He is so confident. 你看!他很自信。
But Track 4 may be a black horse. 但是第四道的运动员可能会是一匹黑马。