
 You didn't have to exile her.What you did was cruel. 你也不必把她赶走吧  这样太残忍了

Oh, what I did was cruel?You could have had anyone,and you knew she was my closest friend. 所以残忍的是我了  你跟谁睡都行  可是你明知道她是我最好的朋友
It was never meant to be an affair. 我从没想过要搞婚外情
Oh, it just happened? 是自然而然而地发生的吗
Are you physically incapable of  taking responsibility for your actions? 你的身体能不能为你的行为负责
There is a problem we seem to share. 我们都有这个问题
If you'll remember, I gave up everything once to prove how much I love you. 如果你还记得  为了证明我有多爱你  我曾经放弃了一切
I returned the favor. I helped you destroy a man. 我还你人情了  我帮助你毁了一个男人
Oh, no, no, no. That was your idea, not mine. 不不  那是你的主意  不关我的事
You did what you did to save yourself as much as me. 你那么做是为救我  也为自保
A compromise I'm reminded of every day. 我每天都提醒自己  曾作出这个妥协
You got plenty in the bargain. 在那场交易中  你获益匪浅
These guys really put the "Suck" In seersucker. 这些家伙没有最怂  只有更怂
What a waste of humanity. 此等人渣  留之何用
With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? 请问阁下是哪位
Hey. It's, uh...It's Jack Porter. 你好  我是  我是杰克·波特
Listen, if you still want to buy my boat,bring a check down to the docks first thing in the morning.Okay? 如果你还想买我的船  明天一早带支票来码头  怎么样
There's nothing I'd like to do more. 那再好不过了
All right. See you then. 那好  到时候见