《复仇》 第73期:我对你有特别的感觉(在线收听

 I'm sorry to drag you away from the party. 很抱歉  把你从派对上拉出来

I just didn't feel right 我只是觉得
telling you this over there. 在派对上跟你说这些不太好
Telling me what? 跟我说什么
Ever since I first saw you... 自从我第一次见到你
I knew there was something about you. 我就知道  我对你有一些特别的感觉
And I couldn't put my finger on it... 那时候我还不能确定
Until now. 直到现在
Look, sometimes 有些时候
you get a boat... 比如  你有一艘船
Out on the open water, 行驶在开阔的水域上
and you catch a wind, 乘着风
and the sails fill, 鼓起帆
and she comes to life under you. 她在你脚下  像是拥有了生命
And it feels like 你会感觉到的
more than just wind and water and vessel. 不止是风  流水和船
It feels like there's something else 就好像还存在着
going on. 别的东西
Something pulling you forward 某种力量推动你前进
and surrounding you at the same time. 同时又把你包围起来
Am I making any sense? 我是不是语无伦次了
You're making perfect sense. 你说得非常清楚
It's just, you're saying it to the wrong girl, Jack. 只是你搞错对象了  杰克