向前一步:第217期 让我们开始讨论吧(23)(在线收听

 And while the impact of my actually leaving work early was negligible, 而且,尽管提前下班的影响可以忽略,

admitting that I went home at five thirty turned out to be kind of a big deal. 但我必须承认准时下班回家仍然是件很重要的事。
I first openly discussed my office hours at the launch of Facebook Women, an in-house resource group. 我最初公开谈论我的办公时间,是在“脸谱网女性”的发起仪式上,这是一项公司内部的活动。
The initial meeting, run by Lori Goler and Facebook's head of engineering, Mike Schroepfer, 第一次会议是由洛里·戈勒和脸谱网的工程主管迈克·施洛普夫主持的,
was open to any Facebook employee, including men. 它面向全体公司员工开放。
During the Q&A, I was asked the (inevitable) question about how I balanced my job and family. 在问答环节,我被(不可避免地)问到,如何平衡工作和家庭。
I talked about leaving work to have dinner with my children and then getting back online after they went to bed. 于是我告诉大家,我按时下班回家和孩子们吃晚饭,哄他们上床睡觉后,又重新回到电脑前工作。
I said that I was sharing my schedule because I wanted to encourage others to personalize their schedules too. 我说之所以会告诉大家我的时间安排,是因为我想鼓励大家也拥有属于自己的时间计划表。
Even though I had planned in advance to discuss this, I felt nervous. 即使我提前为这次讨论做了准备,但还是很紧张。
Years of conditioning had taught me never to suggest that I was doing anything other than giving 100 percent to my job. 多年来的工作环境教会我绝不能提这样的建议:不要100%投入工作,你还要做点别的事。
It was scary to think that someone, even people working for me, might doubt my diligence or dedication. 一想到有人甚至包括我的下属会怀疑我的勤奋或投入程度,我就很害怕。
Fortunately, it didn't happen. 幸运的是,没有出现这种情况。
A few people at Facebook thanked me for mentioning it, but that was it. 脸谱网的一些人甚至因为我提到这一点而感谢我。
A few years later, producer Dyllan McGee interviewed me for her Makers video series. 几年后,制片人迪兰·麦吉为拍摄她的系列视频“创造者”采访了我。
We spoke on a wide range of subjects, including my daily work schedule. 我们海阔天空地聊了很多,包括我的日常工作安排。
The video was posted to the web and was instantly the subject of heated debate. 这段视频被传到网上,立刻成了讨论的热点。