《复仇》 第158期:同居生活(在线收听

 When the season's over, I was thinking, 我在考虑  夏日将尽之时

maybe you and I could get a place in the city. 或许我俩能在城里找个地方住
I mean, we've already been kind of living together. 我们已经差不多算同居了
Which has been wonderful. 这段时光真的很幸福
But I never really imagined that I would 但我从未想过
get a place 要在婚前
with somebody until I was married. 与人同居
My parents were actually... 事实上  我的父母...
pretty traditional. 都很传统
And keeping those traditions alive, I-- 保留这些传统
I feel like I'm honoring them in a small way. 我觉得是对他们的一种尊敬
Yeah. I get it. 我明白的
But don't get me wrong. I love you, 别误会  我爱你
and I want to be with you, 我想和你在一起
just in the right way. 只是应该处之得当
Of course, one doesn't often consider 当然  在非虚构类文学创作中
the role of inspiration in the work of nonfiction writing. 灵感的运用可以忽略不计
In my admittedly biased opinion, that is an oversight. 众所周知  我认为那是一个谬误
It is very much a factor of my work. 灵感恰恰是我创作中不可或缺的因素
Only it comes from without, 只是它来源于外界
not from within-- 而非内在
From the deceits perpetrated by the worst among us. 来源于卑劣之徒犯下的累累罪行
My subjects are always my inspiration. 我的写作对象一直是我的灵感源泉
What a tool. 好个狗腿子
Mm. Exactly. 没错