《复仇》 第166期:海鸣威曾经住过的小屋(在线收听

 This cottage belonged to Hemingway for a time. 海明威曾住过这个小屋

He wrote "The Dangerous Summer" Here. 他在这里写下了《危险夏日》
It seems that celebrity haunts both our homes. 看来咱俩的房子都住着名人的鬼魂
Mm. Very different ghosts, though. 不过是非常不同的鬼魂
And this is, as they say, 这里就是传说中
where the magic happens. 奇迹诞生之地
All my tomes begin here, 我的所有著作都出自这部机器
on a 1920s Underwood 5, 1920年代的安德伍德五号打字机
once owned by John Cheever, I'm told. 据说曾经为约翰·契弗
And on those rare occasions that I can't come up with a word, 当然  我也偶尔有才思枯竭之时
I simply just get out of my chair, and I go and look it up. 我就离开椅子  去查查书
Like the cavemen. 你过得还真原始
Quite the collection. 真是藏品众多啊
All first editions? 全都是初版吗
I pride myself on rare items. 我以收藏珍贵物品为豪
To wit, my sole... 比如说  我独一无二的
working print of my memoirs. 自传手打稿
No copies? 没有副本吗
No, not until the work is complete. 没有  怎么也得等我把它写完了
I find that 我认为
duplication somehow compromises the soul of the prose. 副本多少破坏了我这本史诗的灵魂
My subject recordings. 我采访对象的录像
You noted the research that went into "Society," 《社交谜网》里涉及到的调查研究
Well, there it all is-- 全都在这里
hundreds of hours of one-on-one interviews 与书中关键人物
with the key players. 数百小时的一对一访谈
As a fan, you might be interested to know 既然你是这本书的书迷  可能你会感兴趣
that I'll be reinterviewing 我将为我的自传
David Clarke's daughter for my memoirs. 重新采访大卫·克拉克的女儿