《复仇》 第191期:疯子前男友(在线收听

 Ashley Davenport... 阿什莉·达文波特

slumming it. 怎么会屈尊来这里
Vodka soda, please. 给我来杯苏打伏特加
House is fine. You got it. 自酿的就成  -知道了
House Vodka? Ash, talk to me. 自酿伏特加  阿什  有什么烦心事吗
Well, if you must know, 要是你真想知道的话
I've basically shunned my best friend all summer 整个夏天  我都在躲我的闺蜜
in favor of worming my way aboard 只为了能"登上"
the "S.S. Queen Victoria" "维多利亚女王"号
only to find out that it's a sinking ship. 结果却发现  它快"沉"了
How so? 怎么会这样
All I've got to show for my summer with the Graysons 今年夏天为格雷森一家工作的唯一收获是
is a gun-wielding psychotic ex-boyfriend 遇到个乱挥枪  还和你有一腿的
who made out with you. 疯子前男友
Meanwhile, Emily gets an engagement ring 同时  艾米莉却得到了枚订婚戒指
and the keys to the kingdom. 以及通往格雷森王国的钥匙
Wait. Emily... said yes? 等等  艾米莉...  同意了
According to her text. 她短信里是这么说的
I'm gonna go to the loo and drown myself in it. 我得去下厕所  顺便淹死自己算了
It's back there. 厕所在那后面
Did I hear that right? 我没听错吧
I'm afraid you did. 恐怕没听错