乔布斯传 第510期:就这个!(4)(在线收听

 He would go over each screen of the user interface and apply a rigid test: 他会浏览用户界面的每一个页面,并且会作严格的测试:

If he wanted a song or a function, he should be able to get there in three clicks. 如果要找某一首歌或者使用某项功能,按键次数不能超过3次。
And the click should be intuitive. 而且按键的过程要自然。
If he couldn't figure out how to navigate to something, or if it took more than three clicks, he would be brutal. 如果他觉得导航不够清楚,或者需要按3次键以上,他就会非常生气。
"There would be times when we'd rack our brains on a user interface problem, 法德尔说:“有很多次,在用户界面设计的问题上,我们绞尽脑汁去思考和讨论,
and think we'd considered every option, and he would go, 'Did you think of this?'" said Fadell. 自认为已经考虑得很周全了,伹乔布斯还会说:‘你们想过这个吗?’
"And then we'd all go, 'Holy shit.' 然后我们就心想:‘真见鬼!’
He'd redefine the problem or approach, and our little problem would go away." 他会重新定义这些问题或方法,我们的小麻烦就会迎刃而解。”
Every night Jobs would be on the phone with ideas. 每天晚上,乔布斯都会在电话里讲述他的想法。
Fadell and the others would call each other up, discuss Jobs's latest suggestion, 法德尔和其他人,会互相通电话,交流乔布斯的最新建议,
and conspire on how to nudge him to where they wanted him to go, which worked about half the time. 然后计划怎样把乔布斯引导到他们希望的方向上去,这个方法半数会有效。
"We would have this swirling thing of Steve's latest idea, and we would all try to stay ahead of it," said Fadell. 法德尔说:“我们会一起讨论乔布斯最新的想法,同时也在努力预测他会怎么想。
"Every day there was something like that, whether it was a switch here, or a button color, or a pricing strategy issue. 每天都会有这样的问题,比如要不要有开关、按键用什么颜色,或者是定价策略。
With his style, you needed to work with your peers, watch each other's back." 在他的管理方式下,我们必须要相互合作,彼此照应。”