乔布斯传 第511期:就这个!(5)(在线收听

 One key insight Jobs had was that as many functions as possible should be performed using iTunes on your computer rather than on the iPod. 乔布斯还有一个重要的观点,那就是应该把尽可能多的功能集合在iTunes软件里,用计算机操作,而不要让iPod有太多功能。

As he later recalled: In order to make the iPod really easy to use 他后来回忆说:为了让iPod真正易于操作
and this took a lot of arguing on my part -- we needed to limit what the device itself would do. 关于这一点,我内心经过了很多挣扎,我们需要限制它的功能。
Instead we put that functionality in iTunes on the computer. 相反,我们把这些功能放在了计算机里的iTunes上。
For example, we made it so you couldn't make playlists using the device. 比如,你不能在iPod上制作音乐清单。
You made playlists on iTunes, and then you synced with the device. That was controversial. 但你可以用iTunes来制作,然后再用iPod进行同步。这个问題有一些命议性。
But what made the Rio and other devices so brain-dead was that they were complicated. 但是Rio和其他播放器不成功的原因就在于它们太复杂了。
They had to do things like make playlists, because they weren't integrated with the jukebox software on your computer. 它们必须要有制作音乐清单的功能,因为它们不能和计算机上的音乐播放软件整合在一起。
So by owning the iTunes software and the iPod device, 所以,同时拥有iTunes软件和iPod,
that allowed us to make the computer and the device work together, 我们就能够让计算机和设备一起工作,
and it allowed us to put the complexity in the right place. 同时,我们也能把复杂度控制得恰到好处。