《复仇》 第200期:前所未有的愿意嫁给你只为复仇(在线收听

 Does Charlotte know? 夏洛特知道这事吗

No. I don't think my mom ever... 不  我想我妈没有
intends to tell her. 打算让她知道
The truth is too horrible. 真相实在太骇人
Because of what David Clarke was accused of 你是指大卫·克拉克所犯之罪
Or because your mom was unfaithful to your father? 还是指你妈出轨的事
No, that's just it. 不  不是这样
She wasn't unfaithful. 不是她出轨
That bastard forced himself on her. 是那个禽兽强迫了她
Oh, I've never seen my mother like that. 我从没见过我妈那个样子
Are you saying that... 你是说
he raped her? 是他强暴了她
And got pregnant with Charlotte as a result. 结果就怀上了夏洛特
She said this to you? 她是这么跟你说的
If that son of a bitch wasn't rotting in hell, 要不是那畜生已经下了地狱
I'd drag him down and kill him myself. 我会把他拖出来亲手解决
Anyway, I don't want to think about it anymore. 总之  我不想再提起这事了
So what got you up so early this morning. 你今天怎么起得这么早
Looks like you've done some... 感觉你好像想通了
heavy thinking of your own. 一些重要的事情
I have. 是的
How's June for the wedding? 婚礼办在六月如何
You still want to marry into my crazy family? 你还是愿意嫁入我这疯狂的家庭吗
More than ever. 前所未有的愿意